Tours & Attractions in Buxton


Discover the wonders of Buxton and make the most of your visit with our comprehensive guide. Whether you’re heading to Buxton for a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or a business trip, our resources make it simple to craft an unforgettable experience that ticks every box.

Buxton is brimming with must-visit destinations and activities. We offer assistance in selecting the perfect accommodation in Buxton, and our guides simplify exploring Buxton and its surrounding regions. They provide insights on where to go, what to see, and the best times for each activity.


Planning a trip to Buxton? Take advantage of our practical guides to the area’s points of interest. You can explore a variety of activities, learn about the most sought-after attractions, and receive assistance with organising the specifics of your journey. Our guides make it effortless to discover all the essential sights in Buxton. Regardless of the duration of your stay, it’s straightforward to identify the key attractions in Buxton, ensuring a fulfilling holiday where you won’t miss out on any highlights. Rely on our local expertise and eliminate any travel stress.


Walks in Buxton and Derbyshire

Discover the best walks in Buxton

Buxton is the perfect base for discovering the Peak District. Make the most of all the walks in and around Buxton with our guide! We included descriptions of various trails with the difficulty level, accessibility and unique features about each walk.


Poole Cavern Coutry Park

Take a journey beneath the earth…

Poole’s Cavern is one of Buxton’s many treasures and is a must for anyone visiting this beautiful Peak District town. Our guide gives you all the information you could need about the caves, guided tours, opening times and the café.


Pavilion gardens

The heart of the Peak District

The Pavilion Gardens are right in the heart of Buxton and are a must-see during your stay in this wonderful town. Our guide gives you all the information you need on what to see, where to eat and how to make the most of your day at the gardens.


Solomon's temple Buxton

A timeless sentinel amidst nature’s embrace

Solomon’s Temple is one of Buxton’s most iconic sights and is visible from all around the Peak District. It is a must for anyone visiting the town, and our guide will give you information about its history, and about the woodland surrounding the famous folly.


Devonshire-Dome Buxton

A majestic architectural wonder

The Devonshire Dome is the perfect place to relax, eat a good meal and treat yourself with its very own spa treatments, hairdressers, restaurant and café. Our guide tells you the prices for various treatments, and the kind of services that are on offer at the Dome.


Springs Shopping Buxton

A haven for local crafts and treasures

Our guide will tell you all you need to know about shopping and dining in Buxton, from supermarkets to what Buxton’s high street has to offer. Buxton may not be a big city, but there are plenty of shops and eateries to enjoy during your stay!